
Interim ministry is a high calling. And a challenging one: In a short period of time, parishioners expect you to lead them safely into the arms of their next settled pastor, all the while dealing with aging buildings, antiquated governance practices, budget deficits, difficult staff issues, unresolved interpersonal conflicts, and your own self-care. Things come at you quickly. You often work solo. To be that non-anxious presence so valued by effective interim ministers, you need “go-to” sources for learning, processing, skill building, and support.

Coaching For Interims is dedicated to being one of those sources; one that is fast, focused, and easy to access, such as –

For more in-depth support, Coaching For Interims offers workshops to develop a simple set of non-directive leadership skills from the art of non-directive coaching. These skills have enabled many pastors to help their parishioners solve problems themselves, thereby freeing up much pastoral time and energy, while enhancing the interim’s effectiveness.

Jim’s “why” as a coach for pastors
Jim’s “why” as a coach for pastors

“To empower leaders to lead with authenticity and boldness for the thriving of their ministries.”