Introducing Spiritual Practices to Your Congregation

8 min 47 s

Rev. Henry Schoenfield

  • Setting up spirituality groups
  • Helping parishioners to experience & understand how/when the Spirit is speaking to them
  • Examples of spiritual discernment practices
Reverend Henry Schoenfield

The Rev. Henry Schoenfield is a United Church of Christ minister, trained spiritual director and certified professional coach. He is passionate about cultivating wisdom through inter-spiritual paths – for himself and in the communities that he serves.

His interest in prayer, the spiritual life, and leading through liminal spaces began at an early age, when he first came to know God as a mysterious presence in the liturgy. Prior to serving in interim ministry, he worked as an associate congregational minister, hospital and hospice chaplain, and clinical educator for chaplain students. He is currently serving as Interim Lead Pastor at Christ Church United in Lowell, Massachusetts.

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