Questions to help guide a congregation’s discernment

Why Do We Need an Interim Minister?

Questions to help guide a congregation’s discernment and planning

  1. What is on our minds? (And what else?)
  2. What is at stake for us as a congregation during this time? For Gospel ministry in this place?
  3. Where is God in this time? What is God’s invitation to us?
  4. What is the real challenge for us here?
  5. What keeps us awake at night as we ponder the interim time?
  6. What does “leaning into our edge” look like during this time?
  7. What do we (really) want?
  8. What leap of faith do we need to take?
  9. What can we celebrate right now?
  10. What does “playing it safe” look like during this time? What is the cost of playing it safe? The benefit?
  11. What support do we need?
  12. What do we expect will be required of ourselves to have a successful interim time? Of an interim pastor? Of the Conference?
  13. Why might we want to have an Interim Minister?
  14. What skills, characteristics, etc., do we think an Interim Minister needs to work well with us?
  15. If we don’t have an Interim Minister, what is our plan for moving forward? How do we know we are moving forward?

Rev. Dr. Jim Latimer, PCC
