Setting Expectations: ‘What Do You Want Me to Do During the Interim Time?

11 min 09 s

Rev. Philomena Hare

  • Figuring out what the congregation wants (It may not be what it appears to be.)
  • Signs that expectations are misaligned
  • Do they really want an interim?
  • The Interim’s job isn’t really to prepare them for their next settled pastor…
Rev. Philomena Hare

Rev Philomena Hare, M.Div, MSW, currently serves as solo pastor of the First Congregational Church of Wareham. Before that, she served as an intentional interim pastor of the Federated Church of Hyannis and three other congregations in the South Shore suburbs of Boston. Rev Philomena has a warm spot in her heart for the local church especially churches that are discerning and navigating the complex challenges of transitioning from one pastor to another. One of her primary passions for ministry is stewardship and the relationship between the way we manage our time, talents, finances and other resources to strengthen the life and work of the local church and its ministries. Much of her life’s vocation has been helping individuals and communities discover and celebrate their spiritual gifts and passions for service in the local community and beyond.

Rev Philomena holds degrees from Emmanuel College, Boston College School of Social Work and Boston University School of Theology. She is ordained and authorized to perform ministerial duties on behalf of the United Church of Christ. She also recognizes that all work and no play eventual leads to burnout. So when she is not busy teaching, leading, or volunteering, you will find her at the movies, visiting museums, reading true crime novels, cooking, or at a Providence Bruins game.

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