Learning to Be Community As a Spiritual Discipline

12 min 2s

Rev. Dr. thom bower

The word “community” is used a lot when talking about church life, yet it’s often a vague notion. But if we frame it as a spiritual discipline – that is, creating community as a spiritual disciple – we get much more traction: What does it mean to be a community now? What does it mean to create community as a Jesus follower? What does it mean to be a Jesus follower in this congregation? At this time and in this neighborhood? How do we keep what is essential and yet lean into the future where things are changing for us? Rev. Dr. thom bower speaks to these questions and more in this episode titled, “Learning to Be Community As a Spiritual Discipline.”

“What does it mean for you to be a community?” – essential question for a congregation;

What does it mean to have a spiritual discipline?

What does that look like as a community activity? (Community as a verb)

Community as the content of faith formation, as the process of faith formation and as the outcome of faith formation;

What does it mean to be a community now? In our context?

Four questions –

  1. What are the issues you’re facing?
  2. What do you see are the qualities of community?
  3. What are the main actions of being community in this congregation?
  4. Who facilitates it and what’s their role?

thom bower

Rev. Dr. thom bower recently celebrated 20 years of ordained ministry. He has served the church in many ways: seminary professor, youth minister, custodian, and variety entertainer. thom holds a doctorate in religious education, and is chair of the Board of Directors for the Association of United Church Educators (AUCE). In the past ten years he has focused on interim and transitional ministries. In his spare time, he likes to build LEGO castles and dreams of running away with the circus – again.

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