Church Bullies: Taking the Person more Seriously than the Behavior

11 min 59 s

Rev. Pegi Ridout

  • Why understanding and managing bullying behavior effectively is so critical to the health of a congregation;
  • Pegi’s 3 types of church bullies (Canaries, Porcupines, Skunks)
  • Strategies for dealing with each type of bully;
  • Some bullies have an important message for the congregation;

The Reverend Pegi Ridout has been an Intentional Interim Minister since 2001 and has served 7 congregations since then in that capacity, as well as doing similar work in 4 congregations in the 1980s. She has experience in urban, rural, and suburban congregations of all sizes and spent a decade developing a new community of faith.  

Pegi lives in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She is on the faculty of the Interim Ministry Network as well as giving leadership in the United Church of Canada as a mediator, coach and committee chair. For recreation she plays hockey, gardens and swims, reads, and does Sudoku puzzles.

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