Music Ministry – Shifting from a Traditional Model Featuring an Expert Musician to a Collaborative Format That Promotes Congregational Participation

14 min 23s

Rev. Joe Graumann

As worship styles evolve, many congregations find themselves at a crossroads: do we continue with our traditional music ministry model featuring an expert musician – the Minister of Music – who performs the music expertly for the congregation to receive, or do we shift to an emerging collaborative model of music leadership favoring a minister of music with leadership skills that encourage congregational participation in the worship music?

Rev. Joe Graumann, a young clergy person with musical gifts himself, shares how his congregation navigated this crossroads in this episode titled, “Music Ministry – Shifting from Expert Musician to a Collaborative Format That Promotes Congregational Participation.”

Joeseph Graumann

The Rev. Joseph Graumann is pastor of St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Woodbury, NJ. During six years of ministry in eastern Massachusetts, Joe  enjoyed developing his passion for strategic planning and governance alongside a commitment to having fun in congregational life. He was a recent fellow of Hartford International University’s Pastoral Innovation Network of New England, and he’s currently on the board of CrossRoads, the joint Episcopal-ELCA summer camp in New Jersey. Joe is a graduate of United Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg, PA.

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