14 min 23s

Rev. Joe Graumann

As worship styles evolve, many congregations find themselves at a crossroads: do we continue with our traditional music ministry model featuring an expert musician – the Minister of Music – who performs the music expertly for the congregation to receive, or do we shift to an emerging collaborative model of music leadership favoring a minister of music with leadership skills that encourage congregational participation in the worship music?

Rev. Joe Graumann, a young clergy person with musical gifts himself, shares how his congregation navigated this crossroads in this episode titled, “Music Ministry – Shifting from Expert Musician to a Collaborative Format That Promotes Congregational Participation.”

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10min 12 s

Rev. Anna Tew

Have you found your church caught in a pattern where worship is seen as a show performed by the pastor with the congregation being the audience? If so, you have a lot of company. The good news, however, is that worship services can be created that have that added spiritual crackle and energy that often results when more people are involved in leading worship. In this episode, Rev. Anna Tew shares some specifics of how her congregation has intentionally evolved in this direction. 

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