How I Helped Initiate a Shared Ministry Project
14 min 06 s
Rev. Gail Irwin
- A case study in pastor sharing that began with sharing an interim pastor as a feasibility experiment for sharing a settled pastor;
- Helping a cong. accept the reality that they can no longer afford a full-time pastor, and leading them into new territory in creative and hopeful ways;
- Leading the creation of a shared culture when two congregations decide to share a pastor.
- Good questions to ask when considering a shared pastor ministry model (two congregations sharing a pastor);
- Helping a cong. understand the details of moving from a full-time to a half-time pastor;
- Key things that made the half-time pastor sharing model work successfully;
- My 3 key training areas to equip the lay leaders for success in a half-time pastor-sharing ministry model;
- How the interim minister can be a catalyst for helping a congregation move into a pastor-sharing model.